1. Define disaster. Explain the various
classification of Disasters with examples.
Disaster denotes any odd event
natural or manmade which brings about immense misery to a region and it becomes
difficult to cope up with the situation through local resources.
Classification of Disaster:
There are two disasters. i) Natural Disasters ii) Manmade disasters
Manmade disasters:
Accidents: Road, Rail, Sea and Building Collapse.
Industrial Mishaps: Gas Leak, Explosive, Sabotage and Safety breach.
Fire: Building, Coal and Oil
Forest Fire: In tropical countries forest fires are often manmade.
Contamination/Poisoning: Food, Water, illicit-liquor and epidemics.
Terrorists Activities
g. Ecological: Pollution (air,
water, noise), soil degradation, loss of biodiversity, global warming, Sea
level rise, toxic wastes and nuclear accidents.
Warfare: Conventional, Chemical and Nuclear
Natural Disasters:
Wind Related: Storm, Cyclone, Tornado, Storm Surge and Tidal Waves.
Water Related: Flood, Cloudburst, Flash Flood, Excessive rains and Drought.
Earth Related: Earthquake, Tsunamis, Avalanches, Landslides and Volcanoes.
2. What are the services employed in Civil
Headquarter service, Warden’s
service, Fire fighting, Casualty, Communication, Training, Rescue, Welfare,
Depot & Transport, Salvage, Corpse Disposal, Supply.
3. What are the essential services?
Services are notified by the Government from time to time. Some of these are:-
Electricity Supply, Water Supply,
Railway, Sanitary Dept., Postal Dept., Telecom Dept., Oil Supply, Hospital,
4. What NCC Cadets can do in disaster management?
a. Reach the affected area speedily
and assess the situation with reference to severity and requirements.
b. Help in restoring law and other in
affected area by ensuring even and speedy distribution of relief.
Provide immediate rescue, first aid and assistance.
Collection, packing, making and speedly dispatch of relief material.
5. Give the priority for removal of debris in case
of disaster?
Priority –I: To remove debris from
the damaged entry and exit for emergency services, public health and safety.
Priority –II: To remove debris that
poses a threat to life and safety. E.g., Damage to public structures bridges
and road ways.
Priority –III: To remove debris that
cause hindrance to the process of rehabilitation of disaster affected area.
Priority –IV: To remove debris on
private property. It is the responsibility of the owner to make arrangements
for removal of debris from his property. Efforts will be made to provide all
necessary assistance required.
6. List out any five stores required for Fire
i. Fire extinguishers ii. Poles
fitted with hooks iii. Buckets iv. Sand v. Earth
7. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
Fire will not burn in the absence of Oxygen.
Radiation can be controlled by the water curtain between the fire and the objects.
Gaint waves caused by an undersea earthquake are called Tsunamis.
d. If you are in a train during
an enemy air attack, switch off the lights and crawl under the seat.
e. Foam type
and Dry Chemical powder extinguishers are used where blanketing the fire
to isolate it from oxygen (air) is required.
f. During a ‘Flood
warning’ all electrical appliances must be Disconnected/removed.
g. The nodal agency
for flood forecasting in India is Central Water Commission (CWC).
8. List out any five
groups that are formed by NCC cadets for disaster management during
i. Relief Group ii. Warning Group iii. Shelter Management Group
iv. Evacuation and Rescue Groups v.
First Aid Medical Groups
vi. Sanitation Group vii.
Carcass Disposal Group
9. List out any five
agencies from whom relief material flows with generocity during disasters.
i. Central Govt. organizations
including Defence Services
ii. State
Govt. Organisations
iii. Non
Govt. Organisations (NGO’s)
Educational institutions
v. Social
Welfare Organisations
vi. Red
International Organisations like WHO etc.
viii. Individuals
10. What are the
parties involved in the fire fighting?
Fire fighting party, Fire piquet
party, Salvage party, Reserve party
11. What is the aim
of aid to civil authority?
To help the civil authority during
war and natural calamities
The effort taken by the people to protect themselves, to
save life, to minimize damages to property, to maintain continuity of
production and keep the morale of the people in a disaster war or natural
calamity is called civil defence. It is the defence of a citizen by the
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