What is hygiene?
Hygiene is the science which deals with the
principles of promoting health, personal and public.
What is Sanitation?
Sanitation is the art of keeping ourselves
and surroundings neat and clean.
What is personal hygiene?
Cleanliness of hair, Cleanliness of body
and skin, Cleanliness of nails, Cleanliness of clothes, Cleanliness of teeth.
How will you purity water?
Sedimentation – Adding chemical coagulates
as alumino etc., results in rapid formation of flakes which sediment rapidly
carrying organic and other impurities with them to the bottom of the container.
– It can be carried out by canvas cloth, filters, plastic filter or ceramic
- It is the addition of a calculated
quantity of chlorine to the filtered water. It will pathogenic bacteria, remove
harmful chemicals and removes the smell and taste.
What are types of Latrines?
Water carriage system, Aqua priny, Removal
system, Deep trench latrine, Shallow trench latrine.
What are preventive measures for Malaria?
DDT Spray, Use of mosquito nets, Use of
mosquito repellents, Wearing fully covered dress, Avoid stagnant water near
leaving area, Spray kerosene oil in stagnant drainage water.
What is the importance of Sanitation?
Health of a community depends on the
sanitation. Under sanitation the cleanliness of the physical surroundings,
habits of the people, quality of food, water and air is taken care of.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
a. There are 206 bones in the human
b. Heart circulates blood to all parts of
the body through Arteries and receives it back through Veins.
c. A poisonous waste product known as Carbon
dioxide is removed from the lungs during breathing out.
d. Oxygen and nourishment is carried to all
parts of the body by Blood.
e. Silvery wire like fibres which are
connected with the brain are called Nerves.
f. The wound caused by a bullet is known as
Gun Shot Wound(GSW).
g. ‘Surya Namaskara’ is a combined sequence
of 12 positions.
h. A bandage made of elastic material is
known as Crepe Bandage.
9. List out any five diseases carried by
mosquitoes and flies.
Malaria, Dengue, Filariasis, Diarrhoea,
Dysentry, Cholera, Typhoid
Write down the first aid for ‘Drowning’ cases.
Loosen wet clothes; Clean mouth, throat
and nostrils of mucous and any foreign body; Lie the patient down over belly, face down,
head to one side, arms stretched and tongue pulled out; Give artificial
respiration till patient starts breathing; Cover the patient with a blanket.
List out any five articles required for ‘Dressing of a Wound’.
Anti septic lotion, Cotton, Guaze Piece,
Bandage of different sizes, Band-Aid, Scissors, Anti Septic ointment or powder.
A fracture is broadly classified into how many types.
Simple or Closed fracture, Compound or
Open fracture, Complicated fracture
What are the different types of Urinals?
a. Trough Urinals b. Funnel Urinals
Name any two tests for the diagnosis of AIDS?
ELISA Test (Enzyme Linked Sorbant Assay) 2. Western Blot Test
What are types of artificial respiration?
Holger Nielson Method, Schaefer’s Method,
Mouth to Mouth Method, Sylverster’s Method.
a. The germs move from a sick person to healthy person through blood
sucking insects knows as Mosquito.
b. Look, think and Act is the motto of First
c. Waste material in the form of urine is
removed by Kidney.
d. WHO stands for World Health
e. Bones gives shapes and firmness
to the body.
f. Voluntary and involuntary
are the two types of muscles.
g. Fracture is a discontinuity or
break in a bone.
h. Vitamins fulfills all needs to be
in a state of complete fitness. It is a science of right living.
j. Compound fracture means
displacement of one more bones at a joint.
h. B.C.G
Vaccination stands for Bacilli Calmette Guerin.
i. Myocarditis
refers to infection of Heart.
j. The
part of human body that produces Insulin is Pancreas.
k. Pyorrhoea
is a disease which effects Gums.
Cataract is a complaint of the Eyes.
17. What are the preventive measures for
communicable diseases?
Segregate the patient, Destroy agents causing infection, Disinfections,
Control of the blood and drink, Inoculation and Vaccination.
18. What is the first aid for Snake Bite?
Relax and calm the patient as most death are due to fear and shock.
* Apply a tourniquet above the site of
bite to prevent the poison from entering the blood circulation. Release for ½
minute in every ½ hour.
Immobilize the bitten part
* Wash
the site with soap and water
* Two
fine, superficial incisions may be given carefully with a sterile blade over the bite.
Suction may be applied to remove the venom.
* Give
artificial respiration, if necessary.
Meanwhile send for doctor or bring the patient to a doctor after giving first aid treatment.
19. What
does the Human body consists of?
Skelton (Bones of the body), Muscles,
Blood circulatory organs, Respiratory organs, Digestive organs, Excretory
organs, Nervous system organs.
Name two diseases caused by the following insects:-
Mosquito – Malaria, Dengue, Filarial
b) Lice – Typhus, Relapsing fever
c) Flies – Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera,
d) Flea – Plague, Typhus
e) Ticks – Relapsing fever, Typhus
What is the Water borne diseases? How do they spread and how they can be
Certain diseases spread due to infection
carried through water. These are cholera, dysentery, diarrhea, jaundice etc.
These spread as water gets contaminated through vomits or fasces passing into
it. Epidemics are likely to spread if immediate steps are not taken to
disinfect water and to properly dispose off the excreta through efficient
conservancy arrangements. All sources of the diseases ought to be segregated.
22. What are the
elements of good health?
Absence of disease, Ability to work hard with efficiency and enthusiasm,
Ability to endure stress and strain, Courage, Freedom from anxiety, Self
control and self confidence, Sense of well being, Wholesome mental attitude.
23. What are the
causes of fracture?
a) Through Direct Violence: The bone
breaks on the spot where direct violence is applied by a kick, bullet, blow
b) Through Indirect Violence: The bone
breaks at some distant place from the spot of violence. i.e., fracture of
clavicle, base of skull etc.
c) Through Forcible Muscular Contraction:
Fracture of patella by contraction of thigh muscle. Fracture of ribs may be
caused by violent couching.
d) Diseases of Bones: Certain diseases of
bones make them weak and easily breakable.
24. Write five
important factors for maintaining good personal hygiene.
- 7 to 8 hrs
- Nails cut short to avoid collection of dirt and carrying infection
– Keep the skin clean in healthy condition is essential for good health
and drinking – Properly cooked food with its full nutritive value is beneficial for health
Exercises – Organized games and physical exercises are necessary for
proper development of the body and mind.
Good suggestions